Wednesday, 8 May 2019

A Tribute :Songs About London- But before-BREXIT:  What will happen once a Brexit decision is made is unknown at present.How will it affect  England and London is likely to be quite significant. Please take some time to hear several songs, written by Londoners that celebrate the unique character of that city. Noel Coward's London Pride, is sung by Coward himself , a song he wrote at the height of WW11. Carroll Coate's, London By Night is sung by Frank Sinatra. Eric Maschwitz's & Manning Sherman's A Nightingle Sang in Berkely Square, is sung by Mel Torme and accompanied by a former Londoner, Sir George Shearing. These songs all touch on various delightful aspects of old London Town and hopefully its charms will not disappear due to disruptive political machinations.    Noel Coward  Frank Sinatra    Mel Torme/George Shearing

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